Fabric hoarder anonymous

Have you got a large fabric stash? At the moment mine is getting so big that I’m seriously thinking that it’s about time I attended fabric hoarder anonymous, what about you?

The ever growing fabric stash

My name is Kelly and I have a problem. That’s right, I’m a hoarder of fabric. If I’m really going to come clean here at fabric hoarder anonymous, I have to admit that I’m not talking about the stock for minkylicious, I’m talking about the pile of fabric for my own use. The problem is that I can’t stop adding to it and at the moment I’m making very little with it. I have heaps of minky (of course) and other nappy making fabrics, then there are my piles of cotton prints. They all just keep getting bigger, I’m not sure how, I’m sure I’m not buying that much. It’s just that it’s all so pretty, and who knows when I might need some of it, so of course it’s better to buy it now.

fabric hoarder anonymous

 Storing the fabric hoard

It became apparent that I really had a problem and needed to attend fabric hoarder anonymous when I started to hide my fabric purchases. Rather than keep them all together in one place, I keep them in different parts of the house, so that no-one else knows the extent of my fabric addiction. A little stash here, a larger stash there, it doesn’t look so much when it isn’t all kept together. I hide the full extent of it from my husband in case he suggests, gulp, that I get rid of some of it. Which is crazy surely, I might need it some day, and it’s so pretty.

Fabric hoarder anonymous

Fabric hoarder anonymous

I’ve taken the first step at fabric hoarder anonymous, admitted that I might have a bit of a problem. But here’s where it all falls down, because I don’t think I want to change. I like having a big fabric stash and adding to it. Lets face it, there are far worse things I could be addicted to. So for now, I’ll keep adding to it, and maybe one day, I’ll actually start using more of it.

Is your fabric stash big? Should you join fabric hoarder anonymous? Of course if you think you might need more fabric, you might like to check out our sale page, where you can get yummy fabric at an even better price than usual.

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