Finding time to craft

I have a confession to make, in my cupboards there are metres and metres of fabric that I’ve not got around to using, and probably never shall. This isn’t fabric that I sell on Minkylicious, but all kinds of other things that I’ve collected over the last few years, with great plans that never come to anything. My problem is finding time to craft, it just doesn’t seem to happen.

finding time to craft isn't always easy

The to do list

I often have great ideas and dreams about what I’d like to make. In my fabric stash at the moment I have at least three different pieces that were bought specifically to be sewn into something for me. I can’t actually remember the last time I made myself anything though. Then there’s fabric I’ve purchased with the children in mind; printed cotton for pretty little dresses for the girls, PUL for swim bags, lunch wrap fabric, fabric to sew cute little shirts and t-shirts for the boys. My to do list gets longer and longer, but it never gets done. Finding time to craft just falls by the wayside and my chances of actually making anything get slimmer and slimmer.


It’s actually worse than that though, amongst the vast pile of fabric (and I’ll be really honest here, there’s a fair pile of yarn that will never be knit too) there are also an alarming amount of UFO’s. No, I’ve not lost it, there are no little green men there, but unfinished objects (UFO). I don’t do this too often, but it has been known for me to start something with lots of enthusiasm and throw myself into a creation. Only I run out of time though and although I tell myself that I’ll come back to it soon, it never actually seems to happen.

Getting the sewing machine out

Finding time to craft

I do love to sew, but often it ends up at the bottom of the list. Maybe when the kids are older I might have a bit more time to get into it, but right now it doesn’t look as though it’s going to happen. I’d love to know how you manage to find the time, what are your top tips for finding time to craft. Let me know in the comments below.

1 thought on “Finding time to craft

  1. I am lucky. Retired and loads of fabric like yourself. A good excuse to play and I do…. Every day. I often have 2 machines running at the same time. I can always find time to sew no matter what is on the agenda.
    My pile of finished objects grows and grows so started doing markets to try to reduce stock. I am not winning though…. 🙁
    A robot vacuum cleaner is a big plus!!

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