To overlock or not to overlock

Many patterns and tutorials will suggest that you should use an overlocker, but is it essential? Do you need an overlocker (known as a serger in the US) or can you manage without? To overlock or not overlock, that is the question.

to overlock or not overlock

What is an overlocker?

What exactly is an overlocker? It’s a type of sewing machine, with four (although some only have three and others four) threads, it sews over or overlocks the edge of fabric. With a cutting blade that trims as it sews, it’s a great way to get a firm seam on fabric, and it as it also stops things from fraying, it saves time too. For many items, it’s a quick and easy way to get a neat, firm seam that won’t run. If you look at most commercial clothing, the seams will be sewn with an overlocker, so it also gives a professional looking finish. Some items even suggest that you use this on the outside of the item, breastpads, menstrual pads and some cloth nappies often have this finish at the edge.

Do you need to overlock?

Using an overlocker can be handy and make things faster, but is it essential. Obviously if you already have one, then it makes sense to use it. But if you don’t own a machine, then there are things that you can do, to get a similar finish. Some sewing machines can even have a foot attached that will trim the fabric to give a similar finish. Although, this won’t quite be the same, as you will be only using two threads, rather than four.

To overlock or not overlock, that is the question

For most patterns that call for an overlocked finish, you can instead use a normal straight stitch on your standard sewing machine and then zig zag over the edges. As this finish might not be quite as neat, then you might not want to do this on the outside of the garment. Instead, there’s usually no reason why you can’t sew the wrong side of the fabric and then turn and even top stitch on the outside to give a neat finish.

To overlock or not overlock?

Is an overlocker essential? No. They are handy to have and if you do a lot of sewing, or are planning to sell the items that you make, then buying one might be a good idea. For most people though, a standard sewing machine should be more than enough. In many ways it comes down to personal choice.

Enjoy sewing? Check out our range of fabrics to make your sewing projects out of here.

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