Snap cable tidy tutorial

I’m always on the lookout for new things that I can add snaps to with my snap pliers. A few days ago, I came across the idea of making a cable tidy. Here’s my take on a snap cable tidy. Simple and quick to make and they work really well.


You will need

  • some fabric scraps, knit fabric is best as it will not unravel.
  • Scissors
  • Snap pliers
  • Snaps
  • Possibly a tape measure or ruler

Kam snap tutorial

Snap cable tidy tutorial

Firstly measure how big you want your cable tidy to be, I wound my usb cord around my hand and then wrapped the fabric around it when I had it coiled up. I added two centimeters to each end of this length. My fabric was approx 12 cm by 4 cm.

How to make a cable tie

Next I folded the fabric in half and cut two slots into it. These need to be big enough to get the end of the charger through. I think mine could have been a bit smaller though.

Making a hole for the usb cord

Next fold down one end of the fabric, this will mean that you are putting the snap through two layers of fabric, so that is stronger. Add your snap and repeat on the other side.

Adding snaps to the tidy

Feed the cable through the slots that you have cut. This will keep the cable tidy with the cord, even when you have unwound it and it is in use. Do not use the cable when wound up.

USB tidy nearly complete

Now, you can wind your cable again, wrap the tidy around it and clip it closed. If you have lots of different cables, then using different fabrics or snaps for each one will make them really easy to identify.

There you have it, our simple cable tidy.

Snap cable tidy

I’d love to hear how you get on with this. Please feel free to comment below or post photos in our facebook group.

2 thoughts on “Snap cable tidy tutorial

  1. what is the best fabric to make it?

  2. Any scrap fabric you have lying around will work well. Ribbon is good too as it is already the right width.

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